- Introduce an ERP system for entire company
- Introduce a common multi branch stock system
- Centralise Purchasing
- Integrate Luckins price information into systems
Project Details
This project was to achieve significant change for the organisation by taking the multi branch wholesaler from paperwork based systems to an integrated multi branch system. The scope of the project included procuring and implementing all the hardware, software and custom development for the pricing activities.
Of particular interest was establishing a common part numbering system across the group and integrating the upload of “Luckins” (The industry bible for pricing electrical components) price information on a regular basis. This in a stroke removed one of the old processes of manually pricing all orders from the sales notes providing a significant saving.
As a result of the changes significant savings were achieved in the procurement activities by centralising the negotiation for supplies and letting branches call off supplies.
- New system implemented effectively
- Luckins price information update integration proved invaluable
- Faster turnover of stock from inter-branch stock visibility
- Improved margins from better procurement
- More streamlined operation of the business