Design FastClamp Range


To create a range of fittings that allow structures to be created using steel pipes by simple mechanical connection.

  • Design range of fittings
  • Organise manufacture in China
  • Confirm through testing that fittings meet required standards

 Project Details

Starting from a review of the existing products in the market, a new range of 120 different clamps was designed that join steel tubes together to create structures such as handrails, storage frames,  fruit cages etc. The creation of the tooling required in the far east was supervised leading to testing of pre-production samples to confirm the fittings performed as required. To ensure quality a range of inspection gauges were produced that quickly identified conforming products. Part of the process to manufacture the products included ensuring that the production plants could consistently produce quality product.



  • Range successfully launched into the market
  • Fittings performed to meet requirements
  • Excellent quality achieved